2022 Semiconductors in Military and Aerospace Applications


Published: Annually
Number of Issues: 1
Deliverables: PDF and Excel Spreadsheet
Release Date: November 2022

Pages: 62
Table of Tables: 28
Table of Figures: 24

Semiconductors used in the military and aerospace market range from the most advanced FPGAs to commercial off the shelf catalog products used for signal acquisition and conditioning. Applications range from smart munitions to avionics and satellite communications. This report provides forecasts for semiconductors used in military and aerospace applications. Forecasts are provided by region, application market and by product type. Market share for the semiconductor suppliers to this market is also provided.

Significant Findings
Military and Aerospace Electronics Market
Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Market

Regional Market Forecast
Other Asia Pacific

Production Analysis
Discretes, Optoelectronics and Sensors

Microchip Technology
Texas Instruments
Analog Devices


Databeans Market and Product Segmentation Definitions
Market Segmentation

Product Segmentation
Sensors and Actuators

Table 1: 2005 – 2023 United States Department of Defense Budget
Table 2: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
Table 3: United States Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
Table 4: Foreign Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
Table 5: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Sector
Table 6: United States Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Sector
Table 7: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, and ASPs)
Table 8: United States Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, and ASPs)
Table 9: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Classification
Table 10: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application Market
Table 11: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Region
Table 12: 2022 and 2027 Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Share by Region
Table 13: 2014 – 2020 Worldwide Military Spending by Country
Table 14: 2017-2021 Top Global Arms Exporters by Country
Table 15: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Family
Table 16: Worldwide Commercial Avionics Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Family
Table 17: Worldwide Space Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Family
Table 18: Worldwide Military Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Family
Table 19: Worldwide Military Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
Table 20: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Application
Table 21: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Electronics Shipment Forecast by Application
Table 22: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Extended Product Type
Table 23: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Shipment Forecast by Extended Product Type
Table 24: United States Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Extended Product Type
Table 25: United States Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Shipment Forecast by Extended Product Type
Table 28: 2021 and 2020 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Revenue Share by Supplier

Figure 1: 2022 Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Share by Segment
Figure 2: 2021 Worldwide Military Spending by Country in Billions
Figure 3: 2005 – 2023 United States Department of Defense Budget
Figure 4: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
Figure 5: United States Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
Figure 6: Foreign Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Market Segment
Figure 7: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Sector
Figure 8: United States Military and Aerospace Electronics Revenue Forecast by Sector
Figure 9: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, and ASPs)
Figure 10: United States Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Market Forecast (Revenue, Units, and ASP)
Figure 11: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Class
Figure 12: 2022 and 2027 Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Share by Product Class
Figure 13: 2022 and 2027 Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Share by Region
Figure 14: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Region
Figure 15: 2021 Worldwide Military Spending by Country
Figure 16: 2021 Global Arms Exports by Country
Figure 17: Worldwide Military and Aerospace Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Family
Figure 18: Worldwide Commercial Avionics Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Family
Figure 19: Worldwide Space Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Family
Figure 20: Worldwide Military Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Product Family
Figure 21: Worldwide Military Semiconductor Revenue Forecast by Application
Figure 24: 2021 Worldwide Mil/Aero Semiconductor Revenue Share by Supplier

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